by Mkuu Amani
Alex calls Rex cos Rex likes hot sex
Phone goes to voicemail
Alex gets vex.
Sue likes Simeon
Wishes he would give her one
Sex on the first date
Now he’s long gone.
Mark’s in the park after dark
With his boyfriend Clark
The relationship’s lost its spark
Poor Emily has an s.t.d
Which she picked up for free
From her partner Ronnie
Carl gets keen cos he knows Charlene’s on the scene
And he’s already been in between.
Zak’s in a tizz
Since his girlfriend Liz took whizz
And his best mate Baz did the biz.
Man what a mix up
Everybody fix up
Too many folk drinking from the same cup.
Alex calls Rex cos Rex likes hot sex
Phone goes to voicemail
Alex gets vex.
Sue likes Simeon
Wishes he would give her one
Sex on the first date
Now he’s long gone.
Mark’s in the park after dark
With his boyfriend Clark
The relationship’s lost its spark
Poor Emily has an s.t.d
Which she picked up for free
From her partner Ronnie
Carl gets keen cos he knows Charlene’s on the scene
And he’s already been in between.
Zak’s in a tizz
Since his girlfriend Liz took whizz
And his best mate Baz did the biz.
Man what a mix up
Everybody fix up
Too many folk drinking from the same cup.